He Came to Give Abundant Life!

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Art & Soul post # 28 by guest author Sara Joseph–

The fetus was once considered a blob of tissue in the woman’s body—as inconsequential as a benign tumor and just as trivial to remove. Nurturing or discarding it constituted the woman’s “right to choose”. Abortion, especially if it was the result of rape or incest, was argued to be legitimate on the grounds of compassion since the fetus was just an unwanted mass of flesh.  Getting rid of tangible evidence of trauma was declared humane, even though these cases are less than one percent of all abortion procedures. Today, louder voices cry, “Women will die!”, as they claim women will have to resort to desperate “coat hanger” methods to rid themselves of the blob. The choice of abstinence until marriage never enters the dialogue.

As an artist that focuses on visual sensory input, I am grateful for the development of visual technology that has debunked the “blob” myth. It decimates such a position by giving us an intimate view into the womb. Every stage of human development from conception to birth is now observable. We can watch in wonder as babies turn over, pout, yawn, and suck their thumbs in the womb. Other technological advancements have revealed that the unborn child has a beating heart in just eighteen days from conception, has brain waves at six weeks, and can feel pain in as little as nine weeks.

Most abortions take place around 9-10 weeks of development. At that time, the unborn baby will make a tight fist if his palm is stroked and will curl his fingers around an object that makes contact with his palm. Far from being a blob of tissue, this new life is a little person with a God-given personality, spirit, and destiny.  No longer can we remain silent when images of babies screaming in pain during abortion or shying away from deadly instruments of medical destruction are widely available on the internet. Nor dare we be ignorant of evidence exposing the horrors of the abortion industry or be fooled by their deceptive language of concern about “women’s reproductive health”…the reality is that this industry rakes in enormous profits from the sale of aborted fetal tissue and organs.

These are well-established facts available for anyone who would care to investigate the pro-life position, but facts don’t speak to us as stridently as something visual. By cleverly combining art and technology, Dr.Jorge Roberto Lopes Dos Santos, a Brazilian designer, has created a tangible experience to inform the pregnant woman. His invention gives physical form to the ghostly images produced by ultrasound. Plaster models in the round are developed using 3-D printing technology called rapid prototyping. Data from MRI and ultrasound scans are converted into scaled models that the mother can hold and touch. Seeing and feeling the reality of this unborn life speaks far more to her than vitriolic arguments! I read that a blind mother has signed up to try this technology. I can only imagine the intensity of her response, running her sensitive fingers over the form of her baby while recreating in her mind’s eye the beauty of the precious gift within her womb!

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” Psalm 139:13-14 (ESV)

I had a wonderful time affirming my pro-life sentiments with a commission to paint little Audrey (below). At eighteen months old, she was a vivacious, curious little girl. The young couple who commissioned the watercolor portrait adopted her as well as Ethan, her older brother. I painted Ethan four years earlier when he was about the same age. Every time I struggle over a portrait, I am awed by the precision of each face.  The smallest misaligned detail will hinder me from capturing the person’s likeness.

Summer Portrait of Audrey, watercolor painting by Sara Joseph

Fourteen weeks after conception, long before Audrey captivated her adopted parents, her fingerprints were formed. They were completely unique from any other on this planet. Who are we to decide the existence of this energetic bundle of life? How dare we contemplate denying her the right to play, pick flowers, or chase butterflies? In the art world, provenance is an important criterion for establishing the credibility of a work of art. No one but the artist holds the right to alter or in any way tamper with the masterpiece. The museum that houses the artwork does not hold the liberty “to choose” to destroy that which was created by another. Why should it be any different for an expecting mother? Who can claim ownership for the evolving work of art that is the unborn baby other than God?

“Nothing about me is hidden from you! I was secretly woven together out of human sight, but with your own eyes you saw me being formed. Even before I was born, you had written in your book everything about me.” Psalm 139:15-16 (CEV)

Hand of God Holding Babys hand

As a Christian who is pro-life, I never dreamed that the U.S. Supreme Court would decide to overturn Roe v. Wade. It seemed impossible in my lifetime! With this recent event in mind, God prompted me to create the digital painting titled, Life (below). My art flows from my spirit through conversations with God, thus thoughts and inspiration when I work are usually complex and private. I include a verse with every work of art as a starting point for the viewer’s mind to journey wherever the Holy Spirit will lead. Art and the Word of God are deeply personal. The Holy Spirit usually ministers in ways I never even imagine when I paint a picture and share the verse! I dare not interfere with what He is so good at doing! God brought to my mind two verses for this painting: Psalm 127:3 and John 10:10. I simply ask you to meditate on these scriptures while you view Life and allow God to speak to your heart…

Life, digital painting by Sara Joseph

“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward.” Psalm 127:3 (NKJV)

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 (NKJV) 

In Him,


Picture of Sara Joseph

Sara Joseph

I am a sculptor and visual artist who paints in oils, watercolors, acrylics, mixed media, and with digital methods. I am also an author, illustrator, and founder of The Christian Artist Resource. My creative explorations are inspired by the Bible. I also teach my passion for Jesus and art at The Palm & Pen School for Christian Artists.


Find resources at the bottom of this page.

Support Sara by purchasing a print of Life through Artrepreneur.com

Support Sara by purchasing one of her other artworks, courses, or books:

The Sara Joseph Art Shop features original artwork and quality reproductions for sale.
Gently Awakened: The Influence of Faith on Your Artistic Journey by Sara Joseph is for every creative Christian who has ever wondered how they could combine their faith with their creativity.
Biblical Art Therapy Course: Receive and impart the power of God's Word using art as a tool!
Consider the Lilies: An Adult Coloring Devotional Journal by Sara Joseph

This book combines the activity of coloring with thinking upon God’s Word from Luke 12. If you tend to worry or obsess about the future, this book is for you. Even if you don’t, lingering upon these scriptures will take you to a higher level of faith. It features hand-drawn coloring pages of lilies, insight from the Bible to transform your life, prompts for consideration to encourage personal growth, poetry, blank journaling pages, and scripture references to deepen your own understanding. Spend quiet time with Jesus, your Bible, colored pencils, and this journal. Putting His words into practice is the only way to truly grasp what He meant and for the dawning of the light of its truth. Understanding takes time, just like coloring takes time. But it is time well spent!

The Power of the Seed: An Adult Coloring Devotional Journal by Sara Joseph

This book explores the principles found in the Parable of the Sower and combines the creativity of coloring with Bible study as you journal. It features hand-drawn coloring pages of seeds, insight from the Bible to transform your life, prompts for consideration to encourage personal growth, poetry, blank journaling pages, and scripture references to deepen your own understanding. Carve out quiet time with Jesus, your Bible, colored pencils, and this journal. Brighten each drawing with your favorite colors while meditating on the Parable of the Sower. Join the family of those who believe God’s Word; then sow generously, reap abundantly, and enjoy growth in every area of life!


Embrace Grace exists to help inspire and equip the church to love and encourage single and pregnant young women and their families. Women experiencing unexpected pregnancies receive practical, spiritual, and emotional support through our global support groups.

Through our message of love, we are helping women see that they can have their baby and their dreams too! Being pro-life is a stance, a belief system, a vote. And it’s important. But being pro-love is an action, the boots on the ground, the hands and feet of Jesus, the church. Together, we believe we can make abortion unthinkable.

Speak Life is a video series and social media movement created to give a voice to the silenced victims of abortion. Each episode captures an audience with compelling video testimonies from Christian parents who have been impacted by abortion. Parents are empowered to break the silence by giving their unborn child a voice. These stories tell the raw truth about how the decision to abort negatively affected their lives but also how a personal relationship with Jesus has helped them navigate their heart healing journey. Submit your own testimony on ChristaElisha.com

Inspired by Nehemiah’s call to families to rise and rebuild the wall around Jerusalem, The Wall Movement is calling the family of God to stand for life and protect vulnerable children in our midst. Families rebuilt the portion of the wall outside their homes with weapons in one hand and building materials in the other. Likewise, we are calling believers in America to carry the weapon of intercession in one hand and to build a Culture of Adoption with the other. Additional information and resources can be found via our Network of Ministries.

Abide to Love exists to diminish injustice by restoring family. We believe everything we do ought to stem from a position of abiding in the love of our Heavenly Father (John 15). As we move along through life, it is our privilege to share the gospel and disciple others in their new identity as God’s children. Our Restorer Family Program temporarily cares for children in crisis while discipling their family into wholeness. Learn how you can activate your church in the restoration of family or implement one of our family programs in your state by visiting our website.

Do you know of other helpful resources to list here? Please let us know via our CONTACT FORM.

4 thoughts on “He Came to Give Abundant Life!”

  1. Sara, thank you so much for sharing your message and beautiful artwork! I pray that what is on the heart of Jesus concerning abortion is communicated to everyone who reads it.❤️

    1. Thank you, Elana for the opportunity.
      It is a privilege to share how much each human life means to Jesus. He is not willing that any perish.

  2. What a beautiful celebration of life !
    May god bless this artist to create an awareness of the precious gift of life .

  3. I love Sara’s work! You can see the love between mother and child! ❤️❤️❤️ God knew us while we were still in our mother’s womb!

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