A Sign, a Gift, and the Son


Art & Soul Post #13 by guest author, June Jameson–

My journey to Christ and depicting Him in my art was a winding road. From the age of three, I was raised in a home without Christ by a single father. My dad was and is a good man and gave me all that he could – but life was lonely as an only child, and I experienced an emptiness that persisted through my late teenage years. I coped with this mainly by drawing and painting. I had very few forms of entertainment growing up so, from about the age of four, I would spend hours and hours spread out on the living room floor drawing and coloring. I loved it. I remember compiling books of my artwork and showing it to any family member or teacher who would stop and take a look.

I always felt “tuned in” to Jesus as a child. This is probably thanks to my grandmother’s unending stream of prayers for me after my mom left and my dad and I moved to Florida. My grandmother also took every opportunity she could to teach me about the Lord while I was growing up. She would drive down from Virginia to visit me several times a year. We’d do fun little excursions, and, of course, she would take me to the closest church. When I was about seven years old, I began to question whether all this “Bible stuff” was real since I was receiving contradictory messages between what my grandmother was telling me in comparison to everyone else in my life. While riding in the back of my grandmother’s Oldsmobile during one of her visits, I was looking out the window and decided to challenge God. In my mind, I spoke to Him and said, “God, if all this Bible stuff is real, give me a sign.” As soon as that thought was complete, my grandmother said while driving, “Oh, look… the sun is coming out! That’s a good sign.” My seven year-old self froze in awe. I always felt God was real, but then and there I knew it. After this, I prayed daily to Jesus for many years. 

“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork. Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun, which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy.”  — Psalm 19:1, 4-5 (ESV)

In spite of being blessed with a closeness to Jesus and an intuitive sense of His real presence, I wavered as I became a teenager. The glamor of sin swept me up, and I largely abandoned the prayer life I had maintained as a child. This peaked during my first semester of college. The parties, the fun, the friends…it was great – until it wasn’t. After about six months of living this materialistic lifestyle, the meaninglessness of it all hit me like a ton of bricks. While drinking at a party with all my college friends, I looked around and suddenly wanted to ball my eyes out. So I left and went home, and that’s what I did. Then I got down on my knees and begged Jesus for help while holding on to a small prayer card of the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that I carried in my purse. After that experience, I began attending churches, searching for God in my community. God showed up in my life in a big way from there. Soon, I met a Christian man, and he very quickly asked me to marry him. I said yes, and we went on to have seven children. I could fill books with stories about how Jesus has been part of our married life and raising all these kids – and it would be quite the entertaining read! And maybe I will someday …

Angel in the Church, oil on canvas by June Jameson

“My God given creativity and artistic ability in drawing and painting has always been there for me when I needed it…I didn’t begin to create art again until several years ago as a way to cope with a pregnancy loss that caused me to experience a crushing sadness. Once I did start to draw and paint again, it opened a floodgate of creativity.”

My God given creativity and artistic ability in drawing and painting has always been there for me when I needed it. In high school, I seriously considered art as a career after winning some competitions, but abandoned the idea as impractical when I got to college. I followed other paths that I thought would bring me money and thus fulfillment, but truly they brought me neither. I didn’t begin to create art again until several years ago as a way to cope with a pregnancy loss that caused me to experience a crushing sadness. Once I did start to draw and paint again, it opened a floodgate of creativity.

I love painting nature and landscapes; I find the beauty of God’s design fits naturally with the impressionistic, contemporary style of most of my paintings. I also draw so much inspiration from the greatest love story ever told, the story of Jesus. An example is the scene portrayed in my painting, Gethsemane,  where Jesus prays a selfless and heart felt prayer to the Father prior to His crucifixion on the cross. There are endless elements in scripture, like this one, to explore artistically. 

Gethsemane, oil on canvas by June Jameson

“They went to a place called Gethsemane, and Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Sit here while I pray’…. ‘Abba, Father,’ he said, ‘everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.’ ” -Mark 14:32,36 (NIV)

The Cross of Life, oil on canvas by June Jameson

Before painting a Christian piece, I pray the idea that inspired me for that work comes to fruition in the way that God wants it to and that my art conveys His will for the world and the awesomeness within it.  I am truly humbled when someone connects to and appreciates my art on a spiritual level. Art is a gift from God to me, and I pray that He uses my work to bless the homes in which He places it.

God Bless,

June Jameson

Picture of June Jameson

June Jameson

International selling artist June Jameson primarily paints bright, beautiful oils on canvas that combine impressionism and abstraction. Most of her works are pieces of Christian art that are classic yet modern and make great fits for today's contemporary home while adding meaning to the wall space.

View and purchase artwork by June Jameson on her website: JuneJameson.com

2 thoughts on “A Sign, a Gift, and the Son”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your artwork and testimony June! Your paintings are so beautiful! May God bless you richly for using your artistic gift for his Kingdom! I pray your story speaks to the hearts and minds of many—especially grandparents! I love how Holy Spirit used your grandma to directly answer your prayer!❤️

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