

Art & Soul post #43 by guest author Leslie Wittenmyer

From a time before I can even remember, I have always loved art. My mom told me that as soon as I was able to pick up a pen, I was drawing. Through the years of growing up, and having to decide what to do with my future, I knew I wanted to paint and draw. Was I a top-notch artist? Not even close! But that was my dream. However, others did not understand and support my dream. I know I’m not alone in the battle of discouragement. I heard things like, “What is your backup plan?” “You have to have a real job that makes money.” Or this… “Have you ever heard the term starving artist?”

These words stung. I was very sensitive when I was younger. So, instead of pursuing art after graduating high school, I pursued business. I managed to take some art classes in college though. My drawing teacher was a student teacher. When I went to her for help with perspective, she told me to “look at other artists’ work.” When I got my portfolio back, I was told that my people looked Frankenstein-like and my perspective looked like claustrophobic van Gogh drawings.

Still being young and sensitive, it became more deeply ingrained that I wasn’t good enough. After that, I just created art for art’s sake. At one point in my life, I  came close to taking all of my art supplies to Goodwill. After all, I wasn’t good enough to be an artist, and I didn’t have any inspiration. What was the point? But I hesitated. I hesitated to let the art go because it had been a part of me for so long. But was that really me that hesitated, or was God keeping me on track for my destiny?

A dear sister in Christ introduced me to this book, Unlocking the Heart of the Artist, by Matt Tommey. He was the only Christian I had heard of at the time who encouraged Christian artists. The book was encouraging and inspiring. It was exactly what I needed. I continued to make art for the sake of art because I enjoyed creating.

Then one day, I realized that God gave me this creative gift to paint and draw. He didn’t give it to me to let it lie dormant!  Encouraged once again, I started watching Matt Tommey on YouTube. God knew what He was doing! He led me to a Matt Tommey conference video where he was leading the artists in a prayer. But before he prayed, he asked these questions. He asked the artists, “What lie has the enemy made you believe? Picture the lie as an object. When you have it pictured, reach up, grab it, and give it to God, and He will throw it in the sea of forgetfulness.”

“He shall again have compassion on us;

He will subdue and tread underfoot our wickedness [destroying sin’s power].

Yes, You will cast all our sins

Into the depths of the sea.” Micah 7:19 (AMP)

That night I followed Matt’s prompts and envisioned the lies. I saw “NOT GOOD ENOUGH” and “STARVING ARTIST” as glass balls. I literally reached my hand toward them, grabbed them, and then gave God these lies. I didn’t want to believe in them anymore! I wanted to believe in God! I wanted the hope and future He promised me! After prayer, I felt these lies and strongholds break away from me. I sat there crying and overjoyed at what God had done!

 I learned that I don’t have to compare myself to others; God made me uniquely with a VOICE of my own to speak His message through art! I’m not a starving artist! God gives me all I need, according to His glory and riches in Christ Jesus, my Savior! Philippians 4:19, (NLT) states, “And the same God, who takes care of me, will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.”

My Breakthrough , acrylic on canvas painting by Leslie Wittenmyer

The above experience inspired this painting. It is titled, “My Breakthrough.”  The hand letting go of the lies I had believed for so long is the hand of my Savior. The tulips in the top corner represent the birth of something new–my new beginning.

I began to pursue and I continued to pursue a better understanding of my identity as a Christian artist created by God. I continued to watch more of Matt Tommey’s videos and also read his book titled, Prophetic Art. Through this process I was encouraged and strengthened in my identity of who God created me to be and my passion for art has been restored! Thank you, Jesus! I am looking forward to where God leads me in this journey. And in this journey, I hope to refine my skills, find my voice as an artist, and make myself available for however God wants to lead! Am I the best artist out there? No. But I have God and I have His favor! I will continue to pursue Him and I will continue to pursue art and use it to bring Him glory!

You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone. -James 2:24 (NIV)

These photos are of me a recent Valentine’s Day event where I was honored to use my artistic gift to bring God glory as I painted prophetically during worship and then shared the message afterwards.

I want to share with you this artist’s statement. It can be found in Matt Tommey’s book,  Prophetic Art . This is his interpretation of scripture from Exodus 31 where Bezalel, the first artist commissioned by God is introduced. I hope this encourages and inspires you as it did me!

“Our identity as artists is that of sons and daughters, publicly affirmed, and sent by the Father to walk as fiery torches to give prophetic revelation in the earth while creating from a place of purity and praise in the shadow and protection of God’s presence. In that place, we’ve been given an overflowing impartation of the living breath of God and brought into His intimate presence to be sent as divinely equipped messengers, carrying His authority.”

You are called by God to be creative, whether it’s through music, culinary art, fashion design, construction, or any other area of talent  gifted by God. You are Christ’s ambassador to reveal the gospel and His character through this gift and radiate God’s glory on the earth! We have all been created for a purpose! Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” If you are passionate about something, don’t give up on it! The enemy knows the power inside of you!  He doesn’t want that power released ; He doesn’t want God’s glory to be revealed to the world. The very same passion you have could be the same passion God has for you. Seek His will in all you do! Stay surrendered to the Lord, and above all, trust him with all your heart! He will keep you on the right path!

Picture of Leslie Wittenmyer

Leslie Wittenmyer

I am a daughter of God called to do the creative work of His Word. I live in Ohio with my husband and two kids. I find my fulfillment and joy in doing what God has called me to do.

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